Product on sale

Nalgene HDPE Wide Mouth Ultralite Water Bottle


99999 in stock

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Made from HDPE, a super light-weight material perfect for when you’re packing light.

Pack light with the original Nalgene bottle, designed in the 1970s and always a favourite among outdoor enthusiasts. The super Lightweight High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) material lightens your pack without sacrificing durability.


So you can drink water that’s safe and tastes great.

Built to Last

Nalgene durable goods are made to last a lifetime.

Dishwasher Safe

Safe to put in the dishwasher and easy to clean.

Fits Filtration Devices

Fits most filtration units for clean water in a pinch.


Engineered to count for when weight matters most.

Fits Ice Cubes

Put ice in your bottle with ease and enjoy your frosty beverage anywhere.

Leak-Proof Guarantee

Continuous, straight shouldered semi-buttress threads keep the bottle sealed tight.